“Diabetes diet is great! I subscribed to the diabetes diet meal plan for my 75 year old diabetic father who has had the condition for nearly 20 years. He had tried different kinds of medicines, but they were not helping. With the Sampoornahara diabetic diet, my father’s sugar levels have come to normal within a month. He feels energetic through the day and has also reduced 6 kgs in two months. I would highly recommend the plant-based approach to anyone.” – Ajay Shenoy
As a Lifestyle Physician, everyday, I talk to patients many of whom have lived with Type 2 Diabetes for several years. Many of them tell me they have tried different diets but none of them have worked.
Diets don’t work.
👉🏽 Because when you go on a diet, it means at some point you’ll go off the diet back to the same dietary habits that caused the disease in the first place
👉🏽 Because most diets are not sustainable or healthy in the long-run. They are nutritionally incomplete & call for severe portion control
👉🏽 Because diets don’t address the root cause of the issue. Most of them are centered around weight-loss at any cost
When it comes to lifestyle diseases like diabetes, you nutrition plays a crucial role. With the right lifestyle, you can actually potentially reverse diabetes!
🩺 Diabetes Reversal is not just possible, but it should be a goal in the management of Type 2 Diabetes
🩺 Diabetes Reversal is when your fasting blood sugar is less than 110 mg/dL or HbA1C is less than 6.1% without any medications or insulin
🩺 Diabetes reversal programs are scientific, structured programs that encourage participants to speak with their doctors, especially for reducing medications!
This is exactly what my team and I strive to achieve through our Diabetes meal plan. Provide you with a wide variety of delicious meals that are nutritionally complete and healing at the same time!
It’s never too late to start taking control of your health. Whether you’ve had Diabetes for 4 days or 40 years, what matters the most is how healthy you eat now. Join 100s of others and subscribe to wholesome meals today!
How much salt is too much? That’s what today’s video is all about. Did you know that you’re probably consuming about 3 times the salt that is recommended for health. Don’t take salt lightly, it increases your risk of many chronic lifestyle diseases and it makes food addictive as well. Start reducing salt today!https://www.youtube.com/embed/oP0_0UWB_4Q?controls=0
Be Blessed by the Divine!

Lifestyle Medicine Physician
Co-Founder, Sampoorna Ahara, https://www.sampoornaahara.com India’s First Whole Food Plant-Based Kitchen
Co-Founder, Nutrition Science, https://www.nutritionscience.in India’s First Whole Food Plant-Based Education Portal