Plant Based Diet

How to Choose Healthy Food for Home Delivery?

Choosing healthy food is not an easy task. It requires a lot of research and planning, but it can be done if you know what your options are. You need to understand the benefits that come with choosing healthier foods. If you want to eat better, then you should start by making some changes in …

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Abdominal obesity

You may know abdominal obesity as central obesity or truncal obesity. Abdominal obesity is a condition when excessive abdominal fat has built up around the stomach and abdomen to the extent that it may harm your health. Abdominal obesity has many metabolic effects. For example, scientists have strongly linked abdominal obesity to: Cardiovascular disease Alzheimer’s …

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Healthy Food List

What are the most healthy foods? The top most healthy foods are: whole grains beans legumes nuts seeds fruits vegetables The reason why these foods make up the top list, is because they contain high amounts of nutrients that help to keep your body in good shape. These include fiber, protein, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, omega …

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Ganesh Chaturthi is here! Let us help you overcome obstacles to live your healthiest best.

Here are 3 powerful learnings that can help you get you started! πŸ€ΈπŸ½β€β™‚οΈ Our bodies have evolved to flourish on a diet comprised of Whole Plant Foods. The closer we get to this, the healthier we are – body, mind & soul. 🍟 No matter how far away your current lifestyle is from a fully …

Ganesh Chaturthi is here! Let us help you overcome obstacles to live your healthiest best. Read More »

Carbohydrates 101 – A Simple Guide to Gorging on All The Rice & Pasta While Improving Your Health

“Oh! its the carbs! Just cut it out and you’ll lose weight” “Diabetic? Stop having carbs. That’s the main culprit!” “Don’t eat carbs at night!” You have probably heard one or all of these. Low-carb diets are becoming popular and further pushing these myths. Did you know? Carbohydrates are your body’s preferred source of energy. …

Carbohydrates 101 – A Simple Guide to Gorging on All The Rice & Pasta While Improving Your Health Read More »

Kickstart Your Day Right Today with an Antioxidant Rich Breakfast

What is the best way to start your day? 🌞 Many of you start your day with a heavy breakfast- after all you’ve heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day and it’s important to get it right! Ranging from the traditional idly, dosa, upma, to the more American inspired toast, cereal, …

Kickstart Your Day Right Today with an Antioxidant Rich Breakfast Read More »

5 Signs You are Winning at Health! (#4 is surprising!)

Every small lifestyle change you make for the better has an impact on how you feel. There are many signs that show you that you’re on the right track when it comes to health. Celebrate small victories and recognise how hard your body is working. πŸ€ΈπŸ½β€β™‚οΈ You have more energy – This is among the …

5 Signs You are Winning at Health! (#4 is surprising!) Read More »

7 truths about lifestyle diseases that my patients did not know

lifestyle diseases

A big problem my patients face is lack of awareness about lifestyle diseases. Nutrition education I find is key to helping you live your healthiest best. In every one of my programs and in-person consultations, I focus on educating my patients about the root cause of their condition and what they can do going forward to address the root cause! …

7 truths about lifestyle diseases that my patients did not know Read More »

What is a Whole Food Plant Based Diet?

A whole-foods plant-based approach means focusing on plants as primary sources of nutrition, with little or no processed ingredients. Whole Food Plant Based Diet is a diet that focuses on whole foods, including vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, beans, legumes, and whole grains. It emphasizes plant foods over animal products. It includes plenty of fiber, vitamins, …

What is a Whole Food Plant Based Diet? Read More »