Kickstart Your Day Right Today with an Antioxidant Rich Breakfast

What is the best way to start your day? 🌞

Many of you start your day with a heavy breakfast- after all you’ve heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day and it’s important to get it right!

Ranging from the traditional idly, dosa, upma, to the more American inspired toast, cereal, eggs, pancakes and meat, breakfast is a heavy duty affair. πŸ§‡

But, what are the best foods to start your day with? πŸ€”

Breakfast is the perfect opportunity to give your body an antioxidant boost while getting in nutrient dense foods.

Antioxidants help protect against free radicals and DNA damage.

Here are some ways you can start your day:

🍡 Start your day with a spiced/herb drink – traditionally known as kashyams

🍱 Eat an early lunch or brunch with fruits, vegetables, dals, whole grains, spices, herbs, etc.

πŸ‡ Fruits also make for a great first ‘meal’ – choose fresh, local and seasonal fruit

🍌 Make delicious smoothies with fruits, greens, berries, vegetables, nuts, seed & dates

πŸ₯¬ Sip your smoothies slowly don’t gulp it down – this is best for nutrient absorption

πŸ₯ Choose whole foods. Consciously cut out sugar/jaggery, oil, & refined grains

🍳 Choose fiber rich foods. Cut out meat, eggs and dairy. Eat whole plant foods instead

🍠 Choose nutrient dense foods rather than starting your day with harmful calories

🍈 Keep it simple – choose local, seasonal and whole

🍲 Eat more during the first half of the day, eat to your fill

If you are looking for an easy way of getting nutrient dense, antioxidant rich and super delicious breakfast, we have the perfect fix for you!

Our Breakfast Jar subscription gives you all this and more. 

πŸ€ΈπŸ½β€β™€οΈ It keeps you full and light so you can be alert & active each morning

πŸ‰ You get a different flavour each day

πŸ₯­ We have new flavours every season

πŸ₯• It’s the best way of sneaking in fruits, veggies & herbs that you don’t like

🍯 It doubles up as dessert

Start your Healthy Breakfast subscription today!

Be Blessed by the Divine!

Dr Achyuthan Eswar

PS: You will never know that your breakfast jar has superfoods like beetroot, spinach, amla or turmeric. They taste that good!

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